DNA Mutations Come to Life!
If Aunt Muriel and Uncle Charles both have blue eyes, could their brand new baby have brown eyes? Answer this question and so much more as BrickLAB bricks guide inquiry-driven examinations of the fascinating world of genetics and heredity. With each scaffolded lesson, learners tour the concepts of heredity, construct strands of DNA and review the basics of human inheritance. Through 12 fully reusable, hands-on activities, watch as the intricate coding of genes and the impacts of DNA mutations come to life.
With BrickLAB Genetics, learners assemble a comprehensive view of the processes that make up the world around them!
Grades: 6-8
Students: Up to 30
Contact Hours: 12
Subject Targets:
Life Science
Reusability and Expansion:
- Very Few Consumables: This product includes some items that may need to be replaced from time to time. See materials tab for details.
- BrickLAB Program Expansion: Already have PCS Edventures BrickLAB bricks? You can easily expand your program by adding new BrickLAB curriculum titles.